So you've got your cupcakes for your party and they're gorgeous.
Next question is how are you going to display them. You can lay them out on a table, but to really display them to their best you need a cupcake stand.
Now cupcake stands are not all made equal and without doubt the best are the acryclic cupcake towers, but unless you're either making cupcakes on a full time basis, or need to regularly display a couple of hundred cupcakes at a time, splashing out on one of these beauties is a bit of an extravagance.
A much more cost effective option is a cardboard cupcake stand. These are available in a wide range of styles and colours from kids Princess Cupcake Stands to pretty pinks and blues and even plain white, which while they may look a bit ordinary at first, make great stands to decorate yourself ~ or get your kids to get creative with stickers and decorate them for you.
Always fill your disposable cupcake stand from the base upwards, and make sure you put it together in the place you want to use it ~ otherwise it's a recipe for cupcakes all over the floor.